Submission Guidelines
Posted on February 26 2019

Yaoi Revolution is Open to Submissions!
To Increase your chances of hearing an ecstatic positive reply from us, please read the following submission guidelines for what YRev is looking for!
Talented folks who like to draw ADULT MATURE FIT HOMOEROTIC MEN!
Yaoi Revolution publishes artbooks, posters, graphic novels and illustrated novels. We accept both single illustrations and sequential/comic artworks by independent artists. To submit art samples to YRev for consideration, please email a link of your online portfolio to:
Please make sure the samples you link us to are yaoi/BL in nature. We’re simple people with short attention spans. We can’t tell from looking at sketches of dolphins whether or not you can draw hot naked men. And if your hot naked men page is buried 100 levels deep in your DA account, we’re not gonna go look for it. It’s time away from looking at hot naked men.
Drawings of hot naked men by themselves are fine, but we’d rather see a hot naked man with another hot naked man or men. Facial expressions are key. How two hot naked men look at each other is important to us.
Style - we are looking for artists with a proven ability to draw semi-realistic-to-realistic hot naked men. This means GOOD ANATOMY. Not an easy task, I know. But we here at YRev like real faces, real bodies and real body hair in places hot grown adult naked men should have body hair. We LOVE hair: chest hair, pit hair, groin hair, beards, treasure trails, the works. Okay, not all the hair all the time, but you know: adult-looking bodies. Leg and back hair is optional.
NO WIMPY GIRLY CRYING UKES EVER!! Ukes are men too! And they should look hot naked.
How to Pitch Your Goods:
If you are a full-fledged mangaka with a story you are dying to see in print and have the artwork to go with it, we wanna hear about it. BUT! And here comes the but - it must be original with 100% original characters and translated into English. Please get it into at least half-assed English and we’ll take over from there.
Full yaoi novels are welcome but please send us a pitch first with chapter summaries. We do have short attention spans! And...word to the wise, we are not interested in reworked rambling roleplays or fanfictions. Fanfiction plots may be great, but they tend to lack original premise and character. I know... 50 Shades ... trust me, we've rejected tons of fanfictions, we know how to spot them. Please try your hand at your own world and characters!
Please also refrain from pitching your already published-on-Kindle 12-part novel series that was "really popular" back in 2002. If it's on Kindle/Amazon, it's already published. We ain't gonna touch it. Show us something new.
Exception: Web COMICS. We will consider already posted web comics if ... it's still in progress and/or fairly new and relatively unheard of. Once we pick it up, we ask that you no longer publish it for FREE online and rather limit access to paid customers such as via your Patreon. We're fine with Patreon-viewed original web comics that we can set up for print distribution. Fans who pay to see your work generally pay to have it in print, too.
Mad SKILLZZZ Required!
Plot and Premise - YRev is looking for good solid original stories with unique premise, engaging characters and exciting plots. All genres are welcome: Mystery, Drama, Action, SciFi, Historical, etc. But....if all you’ve got is a guy with a huge blue penis that spurts fairy dust from the planet of Zoombar, we will laugh.
A genre we are sick of: Fantasy: Vampires. Demons. Angels. Elves. Dwarves. Wizards. Why? Because it’s been done to death. And secondly, it’s too young for our audience. We want real men doing real things in a real world. It can be a futuristic world or a world destroyed by ants or a world where gravity doesn’t work very well, so we won’t say no to “imagination” but elves are not hot (okay my Associate Publisher informs me Elves are Indeed HOT under certain circumstances - but I'm yet to be convinced.) Seriously, all we get are fantasy submissions. Just - no.
Work ethic: We’re the real deal. We work with tradeshow, shipping and print deadlines. Money is on the table and books need to be made and delivered in a timely manner. This means if we consider your proposed work for publication you will be expected to follow a schedule, reasonably. Sure, we all have family/pet drama, illness, power outages and hysterical blindness now and again, but we will only consider artists and/or writers with a proven ability to deliver. It’s big money to invest into a project that only ever gets half done. If we do that, we go broke. So put your best foot forward and be prepared to WORK HARD!